Build a Brighter Future

Pros And Cons of Starting Your Own Conklin Business

When you look at a business opportunity, you must look at the pros and cons. Examine what Conklin has to offer you when you look at the Conklin opportunity. We think that you will agree that there is no sales fluff here – just the truth.

Minimal Investment: The cost of becoming an Independent Distributor is a low-risk step to checking out
your entrepreneurial desires. It is only through experience that a person can find out if a business is a good fit for him or her. With low start-up costs, your money and efforts will not be wasted.

No limitations: With many other types of business ventures your potential is limited to the people who
enter your place of business. As a Conklin Independent Distributor, only your ambitions and efforts limit
you. Because there are no territory restrictions, no fixed business locations, and no one telling you what to sell, you have CONTROL of your growth potential.

Quality products at a fair price: The foundation, of a successful company, is the product it sells and the
service it provides. We at Conklin work on the premise that, when people buy a product, use it, and like it;
they will want more. At Conklin we take pride in providing superior quality products. The efforts expended in researching, improving and producing our products, benefits our customers and the Conklin Company network of Independent Distributors. We all need each other to improve and succeed.

John Ruskin wrote this about price and value: “It is unwise to pay too much, but it is worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”

Instant earnings: As an Independent Distributor, you have access to a variety of products that can
generate income. You can earn an excellent income through direct sales. Along with the sale and use of
products, you have a chance to share Conklin’s Business Opportunity. It is by sharing the opportunity with
people that your business and income can grow most rapidly.

Financial Independence: With Conklin, you have the potential to build an organization of Independent
Distributors as well as Preferred and Wholesale Customers that will provide you with lasting financial
rewards. You will learn that a requirement to building a successful organization is hard work. You must
make calls, talk to people, demonstrate the products, and teach your organization to build their own
organization every day.

Ask yourself this question. How hard do you work for someone else to help him or her make a
good living? You already know how to work hard and do your best. Think about putting those
work ethics into your own business. Earn the money for yourself! Whether it is part-time or fulltime, Conklin can be what you have been looking for.

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